How to use

After downloading it should be straight forward to use it.

At first it must be loaded, either by sourcing it:

. "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/"

Or by using the eval+curl chain:

eval "$(curl -fsL "")"


The usage can be described as follows:

module [-s] name url [checksum]

So takes

  • one optional flag -s
  • two mandatory positional parameters
  • one optional positional parameter

The optional flag -s controls if executes the module in a sub-shell to preserve the global scope. In general, is should be not be set. The main use-case is writing a similar tool like which requires access to the global scope.

With the first manadatory argument you can control under which name you want to be able to reach the module. Within we use the lower camel case reprensentation of the module name, but you are free to use whatever you like.

The second mandatory parameter is the url und which the module is accessable. The protocol must be HTTPS.

The last parameter is optional, but recommended. If set, it should contain a checksum for the module. The checksum consist of two parts which are separated by a ‘-'. The first part defines which program should be used to calculate the checksum, the second part is the first part of the checksum.

Calculating checksums

To calculate the checksum of the module hello-world the following commands can be used:

For cksum:

printf 'cksum-%s\n' "$(printf '%s' "$(curl -fsL "")" | cksum | cut -d ' ' -f1)"

For md5sum:

printf 'md5sum-%s\n' "$(printf '%s' "$(curl -fsL "")" | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)"

In general, we recommend using cksum as it is part of POSIX. If the checksum should provide some security aspect you might want consider using sha256sum.
